Brands We Reference: Oatly

By Hudson Willow
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Swedish alt-milk brand, Oatly, can be referenced by anyone interested in the power of voice and copy, regardless of industry.

Secrets to success

Building original brands requires research as well as creative and commercial inspiration. Using real world brands doing at least one thing very, very well provides context, brings theory and strategy to life, encourages our clients to embrace authenticity and models the secrets to success.

The brands we reference aren’t necessarily brands we buy into at every level. We hold them in esteem as powerful exemplars that can teach us all a thing or three. When it comes to highlighting the power of a unique and consistent voice, we reference Swedish alt milk brand, Oatly.

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Oatly’s voice

Oatly’s voice defines what is a fashionable, sarcastic, eccentric and irreverent brand that targets both those interested in a sustainable lifestyle and those disillusioned with traditional advertising.

And its tonality is consistent across every touch point; written comms, design, social media and advertising. The alignment between the brand’s voice and visual identity, which we believe to be one of the pillars of successful branding, is seamless.

Oatly’s voice is authentically unapologetic. The visual aesthetic, as seen on the packaging, is friendly, engaging and handmade in style - immediately at odds with others on shelf. A curious juxtaposition between welcoming and unwavering.

Voice execution

In the same way that Oatly turned the dairy industry on its head, Oatly shows us it’s OK to reject best practice – as long as the result aligns with brand strategy. As a challenger brand, the rejection of the status quo is expected but what makes Oatly so successful is what they say, and do, is so unexpected.

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Layers of evocation

Oatly’s voice employs plain and simple language. But it’s by no means boring. It’s self-aware, not afraid to be vegan, protest, be alternative, look change in the eye and influence others through oats. There is a precise attention to detail, every word in every message counts and the use of humour is the brand’s element of surprise. They speak directly to their audience, inviting them to think, expand horizons, reject norms and get involved. Critically, each message carries an element of emotion; beneath the surface lies layers of evocation. There has to be. If Oatly are going to supercharge the alt milk movement, they need to make the audience feel something. Primarily, that feeling is empowerment.

If there is one thing that is consistent about what we do, it’s that we are very inconsistent in the choices we make. - Oatly

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Voice takes the lead

You don’t need to drink Oatly or agree with them to see that they’ve created a truly memorable and recognisable brand that uses voice as both its strategy and main device. The voice is powerful enough to encourage steadfast cow milk drinkers to try oat and the brand’s authenticity always shines through.

In a world that is becoming busier by the day, Oatly is a great example of the increasing importance of using brand personality and voice to be seen, heard and remembered. Now, Oatly is credited as a major contributor for why more than one in three British people now drink plant-based milk. Really makes you think, doesn’t it?


Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.

Authentic brands are successful brands.